From traditional to contemporary, we offer a wide range of coffins and caskets in different designs and materials – many of which can be personalised according to your wishes. We appreciate that choosing one can be difficult and distressing, but we’ll be here to support and guide you through the process.
You can view some of our more popular options below. However, if you don’t see one that meets you wishes, please ask your funeral arranger about viewing a wider range.

Traditional coffins
Our range of traditional coffins covers many styles and materials, from standard styles of coffins and caskets in solid or veneered wood to more elaborate styles with intricate pannelled sides and raised lids.
Angus £500
An oak veneer coffin featuring a flat lid and sides fitted with six brass effect handles.
Corbett £595
A veneered mahogany coffin with panelled sides and traditional raised lid with brass coloured bar handles.
A wood effect coffin with MDF beading and four handles, suitable for burial or cremation. Included in our Direct Cremation and Essential Funeral packages only.
Picture coffins
Nairn (Standard Colours) £595
Oak style veneer coffin engraved with contrasting fine panel details (in gold or silver).
All are Forest Stewardship Council accredited and FFMA certified.

Natural coffins - Softer feel
Our Premium Woven Range – A selection of traditionally styled woodland coffins, manufactured from FSC certified wood with biodegradable cotton lining and natural handles.
Cardboard £375
A strong, sturdy and naturally coloured lightweight coffin.
Part of the LifeArt Earthcare range.
Ness Casket £1,395
A solid paulownia wood casket with high gloss honet brown finish, the Ness come with matching wood bar handles and is fitted with an elegant almond interior.
Children's coffins
We also have range of coffins specially designed infants and children. From brighter, more bespoke options to more traditional wooden or natural materials. If you don’t see one that you feel is appropriate here, ask your funeral arranger about viewing other options. They’re there to help in any way they can.