What Clients Say About Us

Client Reviews

We are very proud of what clients say about us, and many leave a review on our website.

We use Much Loved, an online charity, for our tribute page, and our online reviews.

MuchLoved is the leading Tribute website service. So far they have helped over 300,000 bereaved people create their own personalised and free online memorial in memory of a loved one, who have raised over £80 million for good causes.

Client questionnaires

We send a client questionnaire a few weeks after the funeral to every family we look after. This provides us with important feedback, these questionnaires are reviewed by our management team and are used to give feedback to our team and improve our service.

Comments about our service

How to contact us if you have a comment or a concern about our service

To make a comment or complaint about our service you can contact us by phone, email or post. Please view our complaints procedure.