Frequently asked questions
Please find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).
The questions are under various headings to make it easier for you to find the answer you’re looking for.

About us FAQ's
We’re part of Scotmid Co-operative Society, founded in Edinburgh in 1859. Scotmid Co-operative operates around 300 retail outlets, which includes the funeral division, but also Scotmid Food, Semichem and a property division. We have 16 offices across Edinburgh and through the central belt of Scotland, and have been looking after funerals since 1927.
We are not part of the Co-op Group, who are based in Manchester. We are the largest independent Co-operative in Scotland.
We’re proud that Thomas Brown Funerals in Broxburn, who were founded in 1904, are part of the Scotmid family.
Dundas Fyfe Funerals in Motherwell, who were founded in 1878 are part of the Scotmid family.
We’re available 24 hours a day to assist you on the telephone on 0800 996 1927. We also have 16 funeral offices which are open from 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. You can also email us at
Yes, we are members of the National Association of Funeral Directors who represent our profession on legislative matters, and campaigns on issues that affect Funeral Directors and bereaved families.
As a member, we abide by ‘The Funeral Directors Guiding Principles’. You can read more about those principles on their website.
Funeral costs FAQ’s
Every funeral is unique, so costs will vary depending on your wishes.
We will always provide you with an estimate for your consideration, we can then adjust this if required.
If you require assistance towards the cost of the funeral there is a ‘Funeral Support Payment‘, this could help pay for funeral costs if you live in Scotland. It usually will not cover the full cost of the funeral but it could help pay for some costs.
All funeral directors are legally required to publish a price list for a standardised set of products and services. This is to help you think through your options and make choices, and to let you compare prices between different funeral directors (because prices can vary).
Our Essential funeral is a more straightforward option and is just £1,995 plus third party costs (such as the crematorium fee).
We will still provide you with tremendous levels of quality and care.
The traditional funeral gives you full access to all of our services. The Essential Funeral is a lower cost funeral, but does not include as much flexibility, such as choosing the date and time of the service.
If you choose our traditional funeral, then yes you will be able to choose the date and time.
We require a minimum deposit of 50 percent of the total funeral costs payable within 2 days of the arrangement being made.
You’ll receive the invoice around a week after the funeral, with payment to be made within 21 days of the date of the funeral.
Please contact us as soon as possible if you have any questions or concerns.
You can pay by cash, cheque or card at any of our offices, by card on the telephone or by post using a cheque.
You can also pay online via your online banking, using our banking details on your invoice, and quoting your invoice reference number (E.G FB21-123456).
A direct cremation (also known as an unattended funeral) is for those who would prefer a straightforward funeral. It’s different to a traditional funeral as there’s no funeral service and you will be unable to be present at the cremation. Our direct cremation is £1,295.
Direct cremation FAQ’s
A direct cremation (also known as an unattended funeral) is for those who would prefer a straightforward funeral. It’s different to a traditional funeral as there’s no funeral service and you will be unable to be present at the cremation.
A direct cremation is not for everyone, you and your family have to be certain this is what you want. There is not a funeral service, and know one is present when the coffin is taken to the crematorium.
If you or your family want to be present at the service then our more traditional service might be right for you.
Our Direct Cremation plan is £1,520, this includes all our funeral director fees and the cremation fee.
You can buy a direct cremation on one of our set cremation plans online, or you can pop into one of our offices to have a chat with one of our friendly team who will talk through all the options available.
Headstones & memorials FAQ’s
Our mason and his team erect all our headstones.
We will help you find this out with the cemetery council.
Our mason would visit the cemetery and then talk to you about the possibilities.
No problem, tell us what you want and we will give you a quotation for your choice.
Funeral plan FAQ’s
Please see our specific page relating to FAQs for funeral plans