
Cremation Services

Many people make their views known before they die if they would prefer to have a cremation of burial, so it may simply be a case of honouring those wishes. If nothing has been specified and there are no other factors, such as religious requirements that need to be observed, it is simply a case of choosing the type of funeral you feel is most appropriate.

Cremations have become more widely accepted and is often chosen for reasons such as space constraints, environment concerns or personal preference.

Cremation Funeral Services

You have the choice of what type of service you would like at the crematorium.

We can arrange a cremation at the crematorium of your choice. At some crematoriums there are two chapels, so you can choose the size of chapel you feel is most appropriate. We can advise you on the size of each chapel and how many people they can hold.

You can either hold the full service there, or just have a short committal at the crematorium after having the main service somewhere else, such as a church.

Funeral Director with Vintage

Simple Cremations

A Simple Cremation / Direct Cremations are becoming more popular, (also known as an unattended funeral) is for those who would prefer a straightforward funeral. It’s different to a traditional funeral as there’s no funeral service and you will be unable to be present at the crematorium. The ashes are then returned to the family or scattered at the Garden of Remembrance at the crematorium.

Direct Cremations are not for everyone, if you are considering one its best to speak to your family to ensure they understand exactly what is involved.

Regardless of how you’d like to say farewell, our caring team treat everyone with the same level of professionalism, integrity and care.

What to do with your loved ones ashes.

After the cremation the ashes are placed in an urn or another container. Families have several options for what to do with the ashes, including:

  • Keeping them at home
  • Scattering them at the Garden of Remembrance at the crematorium
  • Burying them in a cemetery or memorial garden
  • Scattering them in a meaningful location (subject to local laws and regulations)
  • Creating keepsake jewellery or other memorial items containing a small portion of the ashes.

How are Ashes handled?

One question we are often asked is, ‘How do I know these are my loved ones ashes?’ Both us and the Crematoriums have robust procedures in place when caring for the deceased, including the care of ashes. The Crematoriums have a set procedure of labelling and allocating a specific number throughout their processes, this number follows the deceased from when the coffin is taken into their care, through to the cremation, to the delivery of the ashes back to us. This number is the ‘cremation number’ that is printed on the cremation certificate which is handed out when you collect the ashes.

We also keep signed records of all ashes in our care, their collection date and current location. We also allocate a number tag in the ashes that can be traced back to Scotmid Funerals and to the specific deceased.

Additional Services at the Crematorium

Webcast or recording the service

Most crematoria have cameras, so that people who can’t be at the service can watch it via webcast or later on DVD. We can advise if this is available locally.

Photo Slideshows

At some crematoriums you have the option to display photographs on a slideshow on the screens inside the chapel, and even be set to a specific piece of music. It is easy to arrange, and we can help and give you guidance on what is required.